Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Switching to a D1SC Procharger

Well once I get my motor back I'm going to be doing alot more to the performance of the car to take advantage of the newly forged powerplant!

Right now I have a P1SC pushing about 9lbs of boost. If I switch to a D1SC with the same size pulley I'll probably be around 13-15lbs of boost. But I'm ultimately looking for about 17-18 lbs of boost with out belt slip. But I may also switch to an 8rib pulley setup for more grip on the procharger.

Here is a chart of the RPM vs. Impeller speed of the Procharger:

This is Impeller Speed @ 6,800 RPM - Redline on Mustang Cobra
62,000 = D1SC Maximum Impeller Speed

67,242 = Impeller Speed w/ stock crank pulley and 2.8 pulley
62,759 = Impeller Speed w/ stock crank pulley and 3.0 pulley
58,884 = Impeller Speed w/ stock crank pulley and 3.2 pulley <-optimum
55,407 = Impeller Speed w/ stock crank pulley and 3.4 pulley
45,890 = Impeller Speed w/ stock crank pulley and 4.1 pulley

50,466 = Impeller Speed w/ 10% crank pulley and 4.1 pulley
60,919 = Impeller Speed w/ 10% crank pulley and 3.4 pulley <-optimum
64,741 = Impeller Speed w/ 10% crank pulley and 3.2 pulley
69,003 = Impeller Speed w/ 10% crank pulley and 3.0 pulley
73,931 = Impeller Speed w/ 10% crank pulley and 2.8 pulley

The 2nd part of the chart is with a different crank pulley that I may get when switching to an 8rib setup. So once the money gets in my pockets, its right back to procharger for a D1SC and pulley!!!

till next time...Make Horsepower not excuses!


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